Europe 2014 – Zurs, here comes the snow.
Monday morning we woke up to blue skies and sunshine. After a breakfast feast we split into our groups and headed out to the slopes. Some headed right for the Ubungshang lift while others took the bus to Lech. With conditions still firm, the crew made thier way over to the new Auenfeldjet lift and the Warth area. This new area to the Arlberg offered some great rolling terrain as well as some great off-piste terrain.
the "Token Boarder" photobombing in Warth
the Madloch double
Played around that area until after lunch and then proceeded to make our way back to Lech. Kriegeralpe was the lunch spot for one group and they managed to share thier feast with several stuffed critters including a badger. After a few laps of the Kriegerhorn it was time to head back to Zurs via the Rufikopf tram. With the sun having softened up the snow, we took advantage and took our skis off-piste doing some laps of the Schuttboden. As if planned from the start, the groups re-united on the last run home and pulled into Toni's for some Austrian apres-ski.
even Hardcore PowderPuffs need lunch
stuck with a pole between the legs, embarassing. Guess which ski she unclicked…
With tired legs and a storm forecast for Tuesday, the call was made to have Tuesday off to rest up. That was the signal as the schnapps made thier way around the bar. A guest appearence from Thredbo past was made in the form of Christain and Roland and when the time came to ski home it was already dark. After dinner the evening's festivities continued in the Walserstube until late in the night or early morning.
Tuesday morning saw the snow falling and many sore heads. Plans were made to head into St. Anton for some sightseeing/shopping. Quiet day all around although some credit cards did get a bit of a work out in the shops. A pre-dinner trip to the Zurserhoff was in order to cleanse the palette. Dinner was quite sub-duded as people were still feeling the effects of the previous evening. With the snow still falling and over 15 cms on the ground most of the group wisely decided to by-pass the bar and retire early. Should be a cracker tomorrow.
typical St. Anton street
snowing at last