NOTE: To protect the egos and well being of some YESturians, the indenties of certain individuals have been changed.
Thursday morning brought overcast skies as Meesh's group was the first out the door with guide Marie. The script for the day wrote itrself with calamity after calamity on the hill. Marie led us over to 1650 and some nice gulleys with soft snow and trees. The trees is where 'Laura' decided to set the tone for the day. After skiing the upper section of trees wonderfully, she decided to lock in on one particular evergreen and quickly found out that trees don't move. Price of that lesson was one ski and a faceful of snow. The rest of the day was spent trying to break the record for most falls in a day. Later as we were skiing in the La Tania area, 'Donald' decided a rock would make a more challenging target. After a last second evasive manouver, the result was one 'Donald' sized imprint in the snow. His arm had driven right through the snow and his whole body was flush with the top layer of the snow. After a great deal of effort, we managed to extract him from his predicament, not before taking a photo of course. If you thought the carnage ended there you'd be wrong because 'Kellly' had other ideas. Always playing the one upmanship, she also decided to challenge a tree to a game of chicken. The end result was spectacular as you can see in the photo below.

Check the YES Improvement facebook site to pick your favourite crash photo.

Erin skiing the trees of Courchevel 1650

Marie turning the Dingster on………his transceiver of course!!

Kim enjoying the powder

The Hardcore PowderPuffs in their natrual environment…..ok, second home.
After that eventful morning, where we actual had some great skiing, it was off to La Folie Douce for lunch. Lunch was fantastic and got very interesting when the cabaret started. Don't see a show like that every day, quite the spectacule. A few more off pistes runs after lunch before we finally made back to the hotel around 4:30, a long but great day skiing.

La Folie Douce for a quiet lunch and a cabaret. Totally normal.

Chris still shreddin' the pow.
Meanwhile Linc's group was heading over to Saint Martin for lunch. After getting lost, finding the path and repeating, they finally made it to the village. A good lunch at the Voute and a good day cruising the groomers. While Linc was cruising around and Meesh was pulling people out of trees, Dick was flogging his group lapping chairs in La Tania and Meribel. After a long lunch and with tired legs they made it back to the hotel with one group member "floating" down the runs. All in all a great day with only one more to go.

Linc's Crew above Saint Martin

The girls with their well earnt prizes